I've been doing some online yard sale-ing. Have been for quite a while, but I've been more active than usual lately because one of my friends is selling her crap, good crap, for cheap prices. Facebook with a few of my friends has been a ridiculously silly chatter about online yard sales for a few days. We all have some hilarious stories to tell about the flaky sellers, the ungrateful wretches who get mad when you already gave away your free crap, and the ones who ask eleventy billion questions about the $5 item they want to meet you in BFE to exchange crap for dollars. Then there's the woman who was selling a nasal aspirator, and told the buyer to bring a shovel and bucket. Nasal aspirator, compost... what's the difference? You say potato, I say pohtaytoe.
A few of my non yard sale-ing friends have been fascinated by this crazy world of buying and selling, and have asked what some things mean. Here's a primer. Feel free to add to it.
Photo Credit to some Random Person
NIP: New in Package
NIB: New in Box
NWT: New With Tags
EUC: Excellent Used Condition
GUC: Good Used Condition
Cross posted: Listed on multiple CFS sites. It might sold on a site different from the one you're looking at. Don't get bent out of shape when you don't get it, because a buyer on a different site committed to buy it before you did. It's just crap anyway.
Cross posted: Listed on multiple CFS sites. It might sold on a site different from the one you're looking at. Don't get bent out of shape when you don't get it, because a buyer on a different site committed to buy it before you did. It's just crap anyway.
Interested: Means nothing. Say "I'll buy it." Say "I'm interested, let me check the measurements on, blah blah blah. I'll get back to you by blah blah blah..."
Pass: I changed my mind. I don't want to buy this crap.
Pass: I changed my mind. I don't want to buy this crap.
No-show: A jerk who doesn't show up to buy the item at the agreed upon time and place.
BUMP: Bring Up My Post (moves it to the top of the feed in the group)
BUTFP: Another one of my invented acronyms. It doesn't stand for Bring Up This Fabulous Post. This is used when your friend is trying to sell an item, and you're sick of seeing it in your feed. You bump it for them, so the crap has a better chance of getting seen, sold, and out of your Fing feed.
PPU: Pending pick up. The item has been sold. If the buyer doesn't flake out, it's gone. Don't bug the seller about it. Wait for them to post that the item is available due to a no-show or someone passing.
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