Monday, January 30, 2017

Fasting, Feasting, Binging, Purging

Social media is a big messy cess pool of political posts, rants, and diatribes these days. People are getting bent out of shape over differing opinions. Unfriending each other on Facebook. Purging their friends lists and abandoning online relationships with family members. Unfollowing each other on Instagram. The Twitter presidency our country has just started experiencing is unlike anything we've ever lived through, and emotions are high.

Me? I'm currently binging on social media. I'm watching the drama unfold. I can't even say I'm feasting on it, because that implies it's ok to do, something I'd do in the company of friends and family. Nope. I'm binging. Sneaking scrolls through my Facebook news feed while my daughter is taking a nap, checking Twitter while folding laundry, staring at Instagram between bites of breakfast. I'm enjoying reading some of the differing opinions and learning a bit from some of my friends' posts.  I do enjoy fact based debate, and when credible sources are cited, I find that interesting. Reading some of the comments has been solid gold entertainment though. I love to watch a good drama unfold now and then. One of my favorite memes illustrates why I sometimes find social media so entertaining: 

Credit to the random interweb people who make memes

I'm sure I'll go on another social media fast sometime. I do it now and then, and it's refreshing. I think nine days was the longest I've stepped away recently. (Read all about it here, it's a gripping tale. Really. ) I always seem to come back though. I can't stay away from the puppy dogs and rainbows. 

How about you? How's your social media social life going? Are you fasting, feasting, binging, or purging? Maybe our country's political climate has left your online presence unchanged. Hats off to you if so.

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