Monday, February 16, 2015

I'm a Person of Wal-Mart

We've all seen the people of Wal-Mart site, right? Since I occasionally shop at Wal-Mart, I guess that makes me a person of Wal-Mart. It's stupidly cold here right now. Yesterday, I started the day in a sweater dress and tights. I was cold, so put on my fun Valentine's Day knee socks. Still cold a while later, so I put on a fleece. Still cold a while later, so I put on a pair of velour lounge pants. What I ended up wearing for most of the day could best be described as a get-up. Once I had on my full get-up, I only left the house once. It was to my porch, because a CFS buyer had arrived with her $1 to buy some crap for me. I'd imagine that upon seeing me in my get-up, she felt better about giving me her $1, since I looked like I'd gotten dressed out of the bag intended for thrift store donation. If I'd gone to Wal-Mart yesterday afternoon, I'm sure I would have ended up on the people of Wal-Mart site in my get-up.

Cozy. Fun. 

I really only shop at Wal-Mart for one thing. Bras. Judge away! I buy cheap bras. I don't wear the cheap ones all that often. They're sold as sports bras, but IMO, they're not supportive. I wear them when I don't want to wear a regular bra, and I'm not going to be working out. A friend told me about them when I was pregnant and wanted a comfortable bra for around the house, errands, etc., pretty much anything but exercise and going to work, church, out, etc. They're made by Danskin and I love them. They were great bras for breastfeeding and pumping, too. I haven't bought any in almost two years. They're not my primary bra, so they don't wear out fast.

I went to our local Wal-Mart last week intending to pick up a nice two-pack of my favorite Danskin non-supportive sports bras. Yeah, that's how fancy my bras are. They come in a two-pack. I was saddened to discover that they no longer make my bra without padding in my size. I could only find it unpadded in XL and XXL. Huh? They're sold as sports bras. Who wants padding in a sports bra? I couldn't find anything, made by any brand sold in our local Wal-Mart, in the style I wanted, in my size, without padding. Not even the "lightly lined" padding that's in a lot of regular bras. These sports bras all have soft cup foam padding in my size and desired style. I don't get it. Pads in a sports bra? Pads to get soaked with sweat? Gross.

Customer service at Wal-Mart was great. The woman in the lingerie (that word just makes me laugh) department helped me look for bras. She was sympathetic to my disappointment when it couldn't be found, and called the Customer Service desk at the front of the store for me. I went to the front desk, where another helpful employee looked online with me for what I wanted, both in the super-secret stock only viewable by Wal-Mart employees, and on the regular Wal-Mart site that I could order from online at home. Nothing. My best option was to buy the padded bras and cut the pads out. I bought them, haven't cut the pads out yet, and will return them. I'm afraid they'll fall apart after I cut the pads out. After deciding to return them, I did some more interweb scouring looking for the perfect sports bra that I won't use for sports. Geez. It was worse that what was in stock in Wal-Mart. Who works out in these things?

These don't look comfortable for exercising. Pads, plunge? Eh, to each her own. 
I don't even remember which one I read the reviews on. Fascinating.

Anyone else an occasional person of Wal-Mart? What do you buy there? 

Anyone have some great bra shopping stories to tell? C'mon, bra shopping is fun. Almost as fun as bathing suit shopping.

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